10 September 2011

Niece Wedding !!!

hey guys !

today i would like to share with all of u about my niece wedding. i went to the wedding ceremony with my parents. my younger brother had a class at his school this morning. so he can't get to be there with us :-(

actually I've to work today but change off day today with my off day this Monday. hihi. we started our journey around 10.30am. and the journey take almost 2 hour to get there. by the way the wedding is at Kota Tinggi.

the groom is my cousin's son. if not mistaken he is the third child in the family. his older brother had married last two or three years and now have a kid. his child was so cute and has a Chinese look.

the best thing at the wedding ceremony, i meet my other family members on my father's side. many stories that we shared together. i shared with u the picture of the bride and groom oke !

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